Cloud accounting

Cloud accounting

STAT OF THE ARTICLE  According to the Small Business Report, 60% of small business owners feel that they might not have enough knowledge about finance and accounting. MY HISTORY WITH CLOUD ACCOUNTING A few years ago I attended a conference in the States organised...
Location, location, location

Location, location, location

In this article we will explore the relevance of location when picking and accountant, bookkeeper or business adviser. Firstly, exploring the good old days and how advisers were chosen and the impact of technological advancements. Then, unsurprisingly, we will look at...
13 things bookkeepers do for small businesses

13 things bookkeepers do for small businesses

Bookkeepers are the unsung heroes of the financial world, and without excellent bookkeeping good accounts are impossible. Consequently, running a business is a far greater challenge. Additionally, a bookkeeper has several direct impacts on a business not simply...
What is the importance of management accounting?

What is the importance of management accounting?

INTRODUCTION Management accounts provide unique insights into your business on a regular basis with accompanying actionable advice and analysis. This understanding can make strategic decision making both easier and more effective. In this blog we will go through the...